Greetings to You All,
Thank you and your children for your great patience in dealing with previous postponements of our Confirmation Services. We are delighted to let you know the dates for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Confirmation this Autumn!
- Strictly only two adults will be permitted with each child. A parent/guardian may stand in proxy for the chosen sponsor. The sponsor’s name will be included in the parish register. Each family grouping must arrive together. You will be guided to your seat and will sit together in a ‘pod’ of three. Please arrive 10 min before the service begins.
- Confirmation services will be held for each school on a class-by-class basis.
- If you have already received a Registration Card, please bring the completed card with you to the service. If you have not already received a Registration Card, please collect one from St. Marks or Jobstown Parish Offices or from Church Sacristies after Mass.
- A registration card can also be completed for each child on the evening of the ceremony. You will need the following information to complete the card:
Child’s Full Name / Confirmation Name (Must be the name of a saint) / Child’s date of birth
Mother’s Full Name / Father’s Full Name / Address and Contact phone no. for Parents
Name of Confirmation Sponsor (Must be Catholic and over 16 years)
Name of Primary School / 6th Class Teacher’s Name
Church of Baptism (Available on baptismal cert)* / Address of Church
Date of Baptism (Available on baptismal cert)*
- Failure to FULLY complete the Confirmation card at the service will mean we will not be able to register your child’s Confirmation.
- 2019/2020 Confirmation class dates are given according to their 6th Class teacher’s names.
- 2020/2021 Confirmation dates are given according to their 6th Class teacher’s names.
*If you don’t already have one, you can get a copy of your child’s baptismal cert from the Catholic Church where they were baptised.
We look forward to celebrating this beautiful occasion with you! Please God it will be for all of us a beautiful celebration of the Life of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us!
Together in prayer,
Parish Team
1st of September, 2021
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