Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Archbishop Dermot Farrell has informed us that Government guidelines will allow for “special religious ceremonies”, including First Holy Communion and Confirmation from 5th July onwards.
Over the next few weeks, the Parish Team and Area Pastoral Council will be meeting to look at how best we can begin to proceed with these celebrations.
The Government’s/Archbishop’s advice is that while these ceremonies will be permitted from July, it would be best practice to wait till early Autumn (September) to maximise the numbers of people vaccinated and allow for the fact that many people/families will be hoping to take holidays during the Summer.
We need to measure that advice against the resources we have in our parishes to complete 2 years of Communions/Confirmations in small groups across our 3 parishes.
In short, we will be in a position to give you clearer guidance on when we will begin these celebrations by Friday, June 19th.
Please check our parish websites/Facebook page from that date for further information. Many thanks for your continued understanding and support as we continue to work together towards celebrating these milestones of Faith in your children’s lives.
Parish Team.