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Scripture Notes – Christmas Season 2021 (to 9th January 2022)

All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.


This is our second Covid Christmas, but it doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the feast. The readings are inspirational and it is a great season for music. To adapt a prayer of St Augustine:

You have spoken, O God, and shattered our deafness and we can hear you in one like ourselves. Let celebrate the feast, then, in love and great joy. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Readings

The Christmas weekend offers a rich selection — four sets of readings for Christmas Day and one for the feast of the Holy Family. To keep things simple, it seemed better this time to give the link to the relevant webpage on, where all the material can be found. For the PDFs etc., click here.

Visual resources

  1. There are talks specifically on the Christmas gospels at (if you haven’t already registered). There are six presentations in all.
  2. For the prologue of John, there’s a meditation (free) on

Some inspiration: musical and poetical

For a bit of musical fun, you might like The Canadian Brass “take” on the Twelve Days of Christmas.

To hear Guite read the poem himself, click here.

A Happy Christmas to all and every blessing in 2022.

Kieran J. O’Mahony OSA